Using Buyer Behaviors to Drive Your Marketing

I saw a t-shirt recently that said “I’m going to Target.  See you in $150!” and I could totally relate. What is it that makes us walk into stores like Target and Costco and drop the Benjamins with abandon? People buy…stuff…for lots of reasons, rational and emotional. In fact, psychologists have defined a whole host of drivers that cause us to pull out our wallets. Marketers and advertisers have honed their visual and written messaging … Read more

The Value of Business Values

Katherine McGraw Patterson Content Marketing Funnel

When’s the last time you boycotted a business? In today’s political and cultural climate, it seems like there’s a new reason to disengage with some of our favorite brands every day.  This cookie maker is responsible for the destruction of palm forests in Indonesia. This fast food chain contributes to a controversial cause. This retailer supports the opposing political party. Whatever the reason, odds are, you’ve raised an eyebrow or put your wallet away when … Read more

Discounts are for Dummies


I have clients ask me all the time “should I offer a discount?,” and my answer is generally “no.” Yes, discounts can drive sales, but they can also attract…wait for it…discount shoppers. And, while I myself enjoy a good sale, I don’t necessarily want my clients to be people who are looking for a bargain. If you spend time with small business owners like I do, you’ll start to hear grumblings about Groupon shoppers.  You … Read more

The Parable of the Popsicle: Promise and Expectations in Branding

Katherine McGraw Patterson Business Strategist

We are in the dog days of summer here, folks.  It’s HOT. Which is why, when I was strolling down the frosty frozen aisles of my local Tar-Jhay, I thought to myself “You know what, self?  We need some popsicles!” I grabbed one of my favorite flavors – Pineapple.  Yum! After putting the groceries away at home, I wanted one of those cool treats, so I reached into the freezer for a yummy, sweet Pineapple … Read more

Out of Alignment

Y’all, I’m out of alignment. Not chiropractically.  Energetically. I can tell because my to-do list has gotten out of control (like two pages, single spaced), I have a constant sense that I’m forgetting something, and I’m withdrawing from activities and people. What got me here?  Why am I so out of whack? When I’m balanced, my achiever and maximizer are what help me drive my business forward.  My achiever is what gives me the energy … Read more

Attract More Customers: Using Buyer Behavior to Drive Your Marketing

Katherine-McGraw-Patterson_attract more clients using buyer behaviors to drive your marketing

I saw a t-shirt recently that said “I’m going to Target.  See you in $150!” and I could totally relate. What is it that makes us walk into stores like Target and Costco and drop the Benjamins with abandon? People buy…stuff…for a variety of reasons.  There are rational reasons and emotional reasons.  In fact, psychologists have defined a whole host of drivers that cause us to pull out our wallets. Marketers and advertisers have honed … Read more

What’s with the Monkey? (or, why I chose to rebrand)


You may have noticed that I have a new look to my website and social media. My daughter called it a “glow up”. Whatever you call it, the new look and feel were designed to represent my true personality and brand. Why the Change? Since refocusing my business nearly four years ago, I’ve gotten really clear about the value I bring and how I want to offer my services.  I figured it was time to … Read more

What if your ideal client isn’t so ideal AFTER the sale?


As business owners, we spend a lot of time thinking about how to target our ideal clients, what messages to use to get them to buy, and how to close the deal. But what happens after the sale? Sometimes, we’re so focused on making the sale, we don’t stop to think about whether we want to work with an individual after they’ve purchased our products and services. Case in point: I was recently working with … Read more

Do you have a business or do you have a ‘JOB-by’?

What’s a job-by?  It’s what I call a hobby business or a lifestyle business. A job-by is a business that let’s you do something you love and make a little (emphasis on little) money doing it. I was recently involved in a discussion with a group of women and I asked, are you running a serious business or do you have a job-by? And, boy-oh-boy did I get an earful! “It can be both!” they … Read more

The Hourly Cost of Networking

If you know me, odds are you’ve heard me say “every minute we take away from our business is an investment, so spend it wisely.” As I’ve been speaking with groups about my book, “Lunching with Lions: Strategies for the Networking-Averse” there’s one part of my presentation that creates an interesting deer-in-the-headlights look from audience members.  It’s the part of my talk where I ask them how much their time is worth. See, when we … Read more