Attract More Customers: Using Buyer Behavior to Drive Your Marketing

Katherine-McGraw-Patterson_attract more clients using buyer behaviors to drive your marketing

I saw a t-shirt recently that said “I’m going to Target.  See you in $150!” and I could totally relate. What is it that makes us walk into stores like Target and Costco and drop the Benjamins with abandon? People buy…stuff…for a variety of reasons.  There are rational reasons and emotional reasons.  In fact, psychologists have defined a whole host of drivers that cause us to pull out our wallets. Marketers and advertisers have honed … Read more

What’s with the Monkey? (or, why I chose to rebrand)


You may have noticed that I have a new look to my website and social media. My daughter called it a “glow up”. Whatever you call it, the new look and feel were designed to represent my true personality and brand. Why the Change? Since refocusing my business nearly four years ago, I’ve gotten really clear about the value I bring and how I want to offer my services.  I figured it was time to … Read more

What if your ideal client isn’t so ideal AFTER the sale?


As business owners, we spend a lot of time thinking about how to target our ideal clients, what messages to use to get them to buy, and how to close the deal. But what happens after the sale? Sometimes, we’re so focused on making the sale, we don’t stop to think about whether we want to work with an individual after they’ve purchased our products and services. Case in point: I was recently working with … Read more