Discounts are for Dummies


I have clients ask me all the time “should I offer a discount?,” and my answer is generally “no.” Yes, discounts can drive sales, but they can also attract…wait for it…discount shoppers. And, while I myself enjoy a good sale, I don’t necessarily want my clients to be people who are looking for a bargain. If you spend time with small business owners like I do, you’ll start to hear grumblings about Groupon shoppers.  You … Read more

7 Steps to Turn Your Vision into Action

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I’ve spent the last month steeped in visioning.  Visioning for me.  Visioning for my clients.  Dreaming and scheming and creating bold, exciting visions for what we want to be, have, and achieve in our businesses. Now what? While vision boards and vision exercises help us unconsciously align our activities to achieve our goals, success also takes purposeful and seven (plus) things you can do to move vision from the realm of imagination to reality: Identify … Read more

Plant Your Flag

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You had a vision for yourself when you started your business.  Can you remember what it was? I only ask because I work with clients all the time who have become so subsumed the everyday tasks of running their business, that they’ve lost sight of why they started in the first place. They’re feeling overwhelmed, fragmented, and unsure of their next steps.  If you’ve every heard me talk about vision, you’ll know I compare it … Read more