Tower Cleaners TowerCleaners Visual Identity While instructed to maintain the existing logo, I was engaged to formalize the visual branding... Integrated Campaign - Bedding Integrated campaign to educate customers on availability of bedding service and drive sales to that... Integrated Campaign Bridal Services Integrated campaign to educate customers on availability of bridal gown cleaning and restoration service and... Integrated Campaign Counter to Delivery Conversion Integrated campaign designed to convert in-store/counter customers to delivery service, which has a higher margin.... Delivery Brochure Brochure highlighting value of delivery service for deployment at counter and during door knocking campaigns. Integrated Campaign Delivery Referral "Refer Your Neighbor" campaign targeted to existing delivery customers and incentivizing them to recommend delivery... Lost Customer Doorhanger Doorhanger used by delivery drivers to drive lost customers to resume service. Integrated Campaign Store Relocation Posters and garment hangtags designed to inform customers that their primary location would be relocating... Direct Mail/EDDM New Customer Postcards Series of three postcards sent in sequence to neighborhoods where new delivery routes were being... Integrated New Store Campaign highlighting new store opening and offering first time customers an incentive to try Tower... Integrated Campaign Shoe Services Integrated campaign designed to educate consumers on Tower Cleaners new shoe repair, maintenance, and cleaning... Load more Loading more... You’ve reached the end of the list